Puerto Rico - Deluxe (English)

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Deluxe version of Puerto Rico including two expansions and illustrations on the buildings!

The game is the same as the original Puerto Rico: the players are plantation owners from the days when boats had sails. By growing up to five different types of crops - corn, indigo, sugar, tobacco and coffee - they try to run their business more efficiently than their close competitors: growing and storing crops efficiently, developing San Juan with useful buildings , deploy their settlers optimally, sell the crops at the right time and, above all, send their goods back to Europe to make maximum profit.

The game system allows players to choose the order of phases each turn by allowing everyone to choose a role from those remaining when it is their turn. No role can be chosen twice during the same turn. The player with the most victory points - earned by shipping goods and building - wins the game.

Puerto Rico: Deluxe contains two expansions:  Puerto Rico: Expansion I – New Buildings, which first appeared in 2002 in Spielbox magazine and was later published by alea and Rio Grande Games, and the Puerto Rico: Expansion II – The Nobles, an extension of alea's Schatzkiste collection.

The game has completely redesigned components and illustrations. The building tiles are now shown, and the cardboard for these and other tiles is almost 3mm thick to give the pieces more weight. Individual player boards, VP tokens, ships and other elements have also been redesigned.

1 review

5 stars based on 1 reviews

08 Feb 2022
Antoine Carrier
Un grand classique! Même si l’esthétique du jeu reste très traditionnel, le jeu est simplement un must indémodable.