Stronghold Undead - 2nd (English)*

C$89.99 C$71.99
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tronghold: Undead is a rebalancing of the original Stronghold: Undead expansion from the second edition of Stronghold.
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Defend the fortress against the Necromancer and his undead army.

The Necromancer is leading an army of undead towards the fortress walls.
A powerful artifact lies within the fortress. A magical object imbued with immense energy. The Necromancer's powers are weakening, and his magical essence is fading by the minute. He will regain his powers if he can storm the castle and reclaim the artifact.

So, if the undead army can break through the fortress in eight turns, they will take the artifact and win. If not... the Necromancer's powers will completely vanish and the undead army will crumble into dust...

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