Arkham Horror - Dernière Heure (French)

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Only one hour left before midnight; it's time to save the world. The horde must be contained long enough for someone to cancel the ritual.

Horreur à Arkham, Dernière Heure,

Only one hour left before midnight; it's time to save the world.
A malicious cult is trying to open a rift into a nightmarish dimension for a Great Elder and his henchmen to enter our reality. The process is already well advanced and the transition is opening up. In the midst of screaming and chaos, your brave investigators must contain the horde contain the horde long enough for someone to cancel the ritual.

Horreur à Arkham, Dernière Heure, A new addition to the series.

Dernière Heure is a fast-paced cooperative game for 1 to 4 players that must take place in less than 60 minutes. An endless tide of monsters is breaking out on the Miskatonic University campus and you absolutely must contain it... while searching for the components of the ritual you need to put an end to this madness. In an adventure that can be played in less than 60 minutes, your fate will be based on cooperation within your group of investigators. Astronomical obstacles will stand before you; but if you fail, this defeat will truly sound the death knell for Arkham... and the world.

Horreur à Arkham, Dernière Heure, How to play?

The abject cult responsible for the invocation of the Great Elder escaped the investigators... by forgetting many clues in his escape. If you find them and coordinate them in time, you may find out how to cancel the ritual and send the monsters back to their alien world.
But time is not your ally. You have only 8 rounds to complete this task, each of which is divided into two phases. In the first, your investigators start by using their actions to defeat monsters and discover clues; in the second, once all the players have completed their turn, the Great Elder strengthens his grip on the world by producing terrible effects and sending more creatures through the portals that dot the campus. Your mission will become more difficult with each round, as more and more monsters will try to destroy you and invade Miskatonic University. In this race against time, hurry to deduce which ritual components are the right ones before you run out of time!
Once the clues are collected, you will have to try to reverse the ritual at the end of any round in order to banish the Great Elder and his henchmen forever.
The fate of the world is in your hands: you must protect it!
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