Creature Comforts (French)

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Creature Comforts is a game of creatures placement, resource collection and launching very family dice for 1 to 5 players. The family who created the most comfortable lair wins the game.

Create the coziest winther home to win !

The snow has melted for another year and Spring has returned to to the forest. Everyone is enjoying the warm weather, but it's never too soon to start preparing for next Winter. In a few short months, the leaves will be falling, the temperatures will be dropping, and you better be ready!​
 In Creature Comforts, you work to prepare your family home for Winter. Over several months, you collect resources from various locations, exchange goods in the market, and get a helping hand from visiting Travellers. Craft Comforts and build Improvements and create a home that will get you through the cold months to come!
1 review

5 stars based on 1 reviews

22 Jul 2022
Savez-vous ce qui est encore mieux qu'une tasse de chocolat chaud par temps froid? Creature Comforts AVEC du chocolat chaud. Familiale, un placement d'ouvriers original qui demande juste assez de réflexion et un design super doux et automnale. En bonus: Un meeple de raton-laveur. BAMM comblée.