Living Forest (French)

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Four nature spirits have been assigned to save the sacred tree from Onibi's devastating flames. Each of them will have to choose among the elements brought to them by the Guardian Animals to replant protective trees, repel Onibi's flames or awaken Sanki.

You are a Nature Spirit and you have been appointed to save the forest and its Sacred Tree from the flames of Onibi.

You are not alone in this mission, the Guardian Animals have gathered around the Spirit Circle where you are progressing, and are providing you with valuable help.

14 Guardian Animal cards make up your starting team. Each Animal brings you, with varying degrees of strength, one or more elements: light to attract new animals, shoots to plant protective trees, water to extinguish Onibi's incessant flames, wisdom to advance on the Circle of Spirits, and sacred flowers to awaken Sanki.

Each turn you reveal your Guardian Animal cards one by one, trying to get the best combination of elements possible to perform your two actions. Be careful, if three Lone Animals are played, you can only perform one.

At the end of the turn, you get back as many Fire Lizard cards as there are unquenched fires. These cards have the same effect as the Solitary Guardian Animal cards except that they do not give you any benefits in return.

You win the game by planting 12 different protective trees, or by collecting 12 sacred flowers to awaken Sanki, or by putting out 12 fires to permanently repel Onibi.

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