Calico (French)

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Sew a quilt, collect buttons, attract cats!
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Calico is a tile placement game whose main objective is to create the coziest blanket and attract the most cats.

Players, competing against each other, will try to compose the coziest blanket by placing fabric tiles of different colors and different patterns on their Board.

Each Board has 3 Achievement Objectives which will earn points if the prerequisites are met. Players will also try to compose groups of patterns in order to attract the most cuddly Cats, and to obtain groupings of colors on which to sew Buttons.

The player who earns the most points from their Achievement Goals, Chats and Buttons will win!


• 4 trays Double thickness cover
• 108 Fabric tiles
• 24 Achievement Goal tiles
• 5 double-sided Cat Score tiles
• 52 Button tokens
• 80 Cat tokens
• 1 master tailor tile
• 1 canvas bag
• 6 black and white fabric tiles
• 1 Button Score tile
• 1 score book
• 1 rulebook

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