Clank! Legacy Acquisitions Incorporated - The C Team Pack (English)

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Clank! - Legacy: The C Team Pack is a pack that contains four illustrious Acquisitions Incorporated characters that can be used immediately in your Clank!
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Every team in Clank! has a story to tell, and this one is pretty unique. The "C" Team isn't the dream team, but it will do. They've defeated evil cults, been possessed by deities, and even traveled through space.

So how hard could it be to steal some treasure from a dragon?

Will you be a loving draconid, a vengeful elf, a cultish wizard, or a farting granny?

The characters in Clank! - Legacy: The C Team Pack characters all have their own unique starting decks based on their skills.

You can use them with the Clank! base game (and its expansions), or with Clank! Legacy.

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