Draftosaurus (Multilingual)

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Draftosaurus est un jeu familial de draft dans lequel les joueurs doivent sélectionner les plus beaux dinosaures pour peupler les enclos de leur zoo. À l'issue des deux manches, le joueur qui compte le plus de points remporte la partie.
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Draftosaurus, a game for the whole family

The news is in: after decades of intense research, scientists have finally succeeded in cloning the dinosaurs. 
As a result of this scientific breakthrough, the whole planet is in turmoil. Numerous zoos are appearing all over the place to house the famous giants.
You are one of the people who have invested in this very special type of zoo. Organise your enclosures as well as possible to offer your visitors the best dinosaurs.

Draftosaurus, a draft game

Draftosaurus is a game based on the mechanics of draft. During the course of a game, players will have to do without the dinosaurs from hand to hand in order to create the most beautiful enclosures. 
The aim of the game is simple: players must populate their zoo with 12 dinosaurs in order to score the most points.
The game is played in two rounds, each consisting of six rounds.
In the first round, players must pick six dinosaurs from the opaque bag and keep them secretly in their hands. A round begins with one player rolling the constraint die. The other players must then choose one of their colossus while respecting the constraint. Once chosen, players pass the remaining dinosaurs to their neighbour.
The constraint die goes to another player and a new round begins in the same way. When the players have 6 creatures in their enclosures, the second round begins in the same way as the first. 

Draftosaurus, the final tally

The game ends at the end of the second round. Each player must have exactly twelve dinosaurs in their zoo. The player with the most points is declared the winner!
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