Dominion - Second Edition (English)

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You are the ruler of a peaceful green kingdom. You dream of expanding this kingdom and making it bigger and richer.

Expand your domain!

You are the ruler of a peaceful green kingdom. You dream of expanding this kingdom and making it bigger and richer. You need true Dominion! By unifying the many fiefdoms on the verge of anarchy around you under your banner, you will bring them peace and civilization. But other monarchs share your ambitions. You will need to act quickly to acquire as much land as possible!

To achieve your goals, you will recruit lackeys, you will construct buildings and you will maintain the comfort of your castle, without forgetting to fill the coffers of your treasury.

This second edition of Dominion includes a rewritten rulebook, three cards have had their rules slightly modified, some cards have had their text clarified. 6 Kingdom type cards from the first edition out of the 26 have been replaced by 6 new ones. The white cards are replaced by a new Kingdom card.

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