7 Wonders - Architects (French)

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7 Wonders Architects is a new game in the world of 7 Wonders. Designed for a fluid and immersive gaming experience, Architects offers a slightly simplified mechanics, but which retains the strategic depth for which the 7 Wonders brand is so well known.

Experience an ancient time trial with 7 Wonders Architects!

We all aspire to leave our mark. As one of the great ancient architects, your goal is to create a wonder to amazing that it, as well as you, will go down in history as a testament to human ingenuity and skill! 7 Wonders Architects in a new game in the world of 7 Wonders.

Designed for a fluid In 7 Wonders: Architects, 2-7 players race to become a leader of the ancient world by completing an architectural wonder that will last through the ages.
Players receive an unconstructed wonder at the beginning of the game and must collect resources to build their society, develop military might to navigate conflicts, oversee resource management, research science improvements, and collect civil victory points as they race to leave their mark on world history.
1 review

5 stars based on 1 reviews

13 May 2022
J'pensais pas qu'un jeu dans l'univers de 7 wonders aurait été en mesure de me surprendre. Bien celui-ci mérite son As d'or. C'est rapide, efficace, puis ça demande juste assez de cellules pour réfléchir a écraser tous ses ennemies avec les jardins de Babylon.