Arkham Horror - The Card Game - Union and Disillusion (English)

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Union and Disillusion is the fourth Mythos Pack in The Circle Undone cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

Arkham Horror: The Card Game - Union and Disillusion Expansion

You travel along the Miskatonic River in search of the four souls that have disappeared. Between 2 bridges that cross the river, is the island not visited. The foggy shores are inhospitable. The closer you get to the island, the heavier the silence gets and you try to be as quiet as possible. The island is deserted except for strangely looking birds that watch you from the trees. In the distance, a pillar of spectral energy rises in the clouds forming a whirlwind of mist from another world.
As you explore the island, you will discover braziers scattered in various places, which you can turn on or off with the new Circle action capability. Lighting these braziers can help to repel the thick fog, allowing you to explore the island further, but it can also be the key step in completing the ritual that has already begun. 
How far can you push the city of Arkham into chaos without leaving it irretrievably to the dark forces fighting to control it?
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